Press Releases:
CZ Tisková zpráva - oznámení konference 23.9.2019
CZ Biografie potvrzených speakrů v češtině 23.9.2019
EN Press release - conference announcement Sep 26, 2019
EN Speaker bios in English, Sep 26, 2019
SK Tlačová správa - oznámenie konferencie 24.9.2019
PL Informacja prasowa 25.9.2019
CZ Tisková zpráva - konference začíná za 8 dní 26.11.2019
EN Press Release - conference begins in 8 days Nov 26, 2019
Speaker bios in English Sep 26, 2019
CZ Tisková zpráva - konference skončila 9.12.2019
EN Press Release - conference ended Dec 12 2019
PL Informacja prasowa 9.12.2019
Final press release photography
Final Report Prague Media Point 2019
Summary of reports from sessions Prague Media Point 2019
Speaker photo collage/Koláž fotografií speakrů - Alexandra Borchardt, Aliaume Leroy, Lara Joanides.
Selected media coverage:
Mediaguru: O přežití médií dnes více rozhodují jejich příjemci Placený Sorosem a na vládní černé listině. Novinář popsal, jak Orbán ovládá maďarská média
The project was co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe. Learn more about the Visegrad project.
The principal objective of the Visegrad Fund-supported project is to showcase examples of investigative journalism projects that have overcome challenges posed by globalisation, digitalisation and populism, resulting in shrinking revenue streams and low audience trust.
The goals of the project are to level the playing field for media experts and investigative journalists from the V4 region and the Western Balkans with those in the rest of Europe and around the world in terms of access to relevant information, skill-building and networking.
The project is a collaboration between KEYNOTE (Czechia), Transitions (Czechia), ResPublica (Poland), Denník N/N Press (Slovakia), School of Communications and Media (Slovakia), BIRN Serbia, and the Albanian Media Institute (Albania).
This conference was financially supported by the Czech-German Future Fund (Česko-německý fond budoucnosti).