Boosting Relevance and Revenue Through Listening
As the media industry turns away from broken funding models based on advertisers, tech disruptors, and mercurial billionaires, community-supported journalism is on the rise. Crowdfunding can tap into that support while generating financial resources. Success depends on a well-framed idea that is effectively communicated to a broad audience.
Oriana Leckert, Director of Publishing & Comics Outreach, Kickstarter, USA
Natalia Antelava, Editor in Chief, Coda Story, Georgia
Growing Subscriber Base, Community, and Revenue
The COVID-19 crisis has only exacerbated the financial fragility of media organizations, making successful reader-support models all the more important. This session will take participants through the subscription-membership journey of Project Syndicate and those of other organizations that are trying various models with different successes and challenges.
Jonathan Hoffmann, COO, Project Syndicate, USA Patricia
Torres-Burd, Managing Director, Media Advisory Services, MDIF, Czechia
Natalia Antelava, Editor in Chief, Coda Story, Georgia
Crowdfunding Fundamentals with Kickstarter
As the media industry turns away from broken funding models based on advertisers, tech disruptors, and mercurial billionaires, community-supported journalism is on the rise. Crowdfunding can tap into that support while generating financial resources. Success depends on a well-framed idea that is effectively communicated to a broad audience.
Oriana Leckert, Director of Publishing & Comics Outreach, Kickstarter, USA
Natalia Antelava, Editor in Chief, Coda Story, Georgia